Tuesday, 5 April 2011

My cross stitching history

So these may just look like ordinary pictures, but up close these are my cross stitch works of art!!  I first began cross stiching in 2005 when i was pregnant with my son.  A new hobbycraft store had opened in town so I went to see if i could take up this hobby which i had expermiented with as a child.  I didnt realise how big the market for cross stitching had got, hundreds of patterns lay before my eyes!!  I decided to wean myself in with a small Care Bear cross stitch pack, complete with needle, thread, and pattern.  After this one, I created a bigger Care Bears picture ready for my sons nursery, and then a cross stitch that recorded his birth, weight and name.
  I wanted to start cross stitching for other people after this, I cross stitched a horse for a horse lover, a beach scene for my mum, and as above, Coldplay for my brother who is a huge fan of the bands music. 
  I find this hobby so relaxing and rewarding, I enjoy doing it in front of the tv, and when the end result is complete, i cannot wait to start another one.

Monday, 4 April 2011

My First Tattoo and maybe my last!!

These pictures were taken straight after i removed the cling film on the day I got my first tattoo.  I have always wanted to get one done, I just didnt know what or where!!  I took the daring step on April Fools day of all days yet i swear people were joking when they said it didnt hurt!!  The tattooist asked me to compare the pain to being at the dentist and I definetely think getting a tattoo is the worst pain after childbirth!!  Many of my friends have tattoos and although i tried not to ask around if it would hurt or not, some others just told me anyway, swearing that it didnt hurt at all and that it felt just like a scratch! Well, I have been scratched many times in my life, and my thoughts on this are that scratches are bearable, nothing with nothing and not worth moaning about.  Having a tattoo done BLOODY HURT!!  Like, hitting a nerve in your tooth pain, like being kicked in the nether regions pain, like a pain so bad that i wanted to rip my teeth out individually whilst biting my tongue at the same time!! I was not even nervous before i went into the "death" room, but the minute the needle hit my arm i wanted it to stop!!

You may think im exaggerating. but for me this certainly lifted the boundaries of my "high" pain threshold that I kindly kept telling everyone I had!!

Still, it was totally worth it, a charm bracelet with my sons name was born into the now very red skin on my arm, and forever it shall remain as a constant reminder of how much it hurt!!

My next tattoo is being drawn up as i write this.......!!!

Working out how to blog!!

Welcome to my first blog entry!! 

I have been inspired to write a blog as I have been studying creative writing and the idea of a blog fascinates me! I doubt anyone will be interested in reading what I have to say- i am normlly ranting and raving on facebook about everyday events, so I thought I could release my anger some more and record it in a blog.  However, I also intend to use blogging as a way of expressing my writing, reviewing media items, talking about the creative writing process that I am aiming towards, and hopefully inspiring others the way I was inspired.
  Working out how to blog is not a problem, I am quite computer literate, its just what to write that will interest the readers and keep them coming back for more, so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!! I have many ideas and will be testing them along the way!!