Welcome to my Bump Watch! I thought it would be a nice idea to see how my pregnancy bump gets on in size! When I was pregnant with Jacob, six years ago, there was not really many facilities where you could keep a log of your pregnancy in the way that we can today. Of course, there is the old fashioned way of taking pictures and storing them in a photo album, but nowadays, its more exciting to put it in a scrapbook or, like me, blog about it!
So at 13 weeks, this is what my baby bump looks like:
Probably not the most flatterng of pictures but you can still make out s tiny bump that just looks like I have eaten a lot of food!!
I definetely 'feel' pregnant now compared to a couple of weeks ago where I just felt bloated and full all the time. Now I catch glimpses of myself when out and about and I definetely can tell the difference between it being a baby bump and a food bump!
Cute little bumpage! xxx