Monday, 9 January 2012

MixTape Mondays - A Song by my First Pop Crush

Once upon a time, I once loved pop.  Dont ask me how I then evolved into an emo-metal head but its happened and I hold my head up high with pride because you cannot go wrong with pop!  For the MIx Tape Monday link up, we have to choose a song by our first pop crush and mine was the wonderful Jason Donovan!!  I used to love buying Smash Hits to get the centrefold of him and I briefly remember ownng an annual of his!  This is my favourite song by him, even though its a cover version!  Swoon xxxx


  1. Ah snap! Same crush and same song :-)

  2. I bought Jason Donovan's album, but never had a crush on him. Your clip brings back memories.
