Monday, 31 October 2011

My Love Mondays - My Love For Fancy Dress!

On this Halloween day, I have a fitting theme for My Love Mondays!  I just love to dress up!  Be it for a party, for myself or for my fiance (look away now, kids!), there is nothing more fun than donning clothes that are beyond the ordinary!
  My favourite outfits would be the ones that make me feel sexy: Moulin rouge-type corsets, stockings, short skirts, anything that make me feel like a proper woman! 

Or not!

On another note, my previous Halloween celebrations have involved me dressing up as a witch, for three years in a row!  Definetely time to think of a new idea!  For a recent work bash, this was my costume for the theme of fictional characters:

My favourite outfit!

And there is also nothing better than standing out from a crowd!

I love the look on people's faces when they have to double take!  What is the harm in being a bit different to everyone else?!  This Halloween, Im not doing anything, probably gives me time to re-think my witchs' outfit!

And its not just me that loves to dress up, my poor son, Jacob, has caught this addiction as proven in these hilarious pictures!

Oh, I have so many more but I would be here all day!  You get the idea, like mother, like son!

But its not always trashy outfits I love to wear!  I have my moments where there is nothing better than wearing your more formal clothes:

Yes, my love for fancy dress is a little extreme but I wouldn't have it any other way! xxx

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