Day 19 - A Difficult Time in My Life
Ooh there has been a few, I could write a book about it!
This will always be the most difficult period in my life, bar none. To cut a very long story short, I was once married to my son Jacobs' dad, he had an addiction to drugs which led to me and my son dealing with social services and being placed in a woman's refuge for 5 months away from family and friends. I then had to rebuild my life from scratch as a single parent, getting a divorce and living on benefits.
The happy ending for me and my son is that we now live in a gorgeous home, with my fiance, a baby on the way and a steady job. Unfortunately, my son's Dad passed away last year and I then had to contend with dealing with my son's reaction to this, not only now but in the future.
I would not change what happened if I could as it made me a better person and I learnt alot from it. However I wish I could have removed my son from the situation as he did not deserve to be in the middle of it all. It has made me a better parent for it though and he is a joy to bring up.
I cannot say anything else will ever top what happened, as being a very traumatic and life changing event which I would not wish on my worst enemy.
Thursday, 31 May 2012
Wednesday, 30 May 2012
31 Day Blog Challenge - Day 18 - What Do I Collect
Day 18 - What do I Collect?
Regular followers of my blog will know I am a huge fan of collecting notebooks! I have written many posts about this past time and was even lucky to feature on a notebook website showcasing my many colourful books!
You can read about my notebook collection here.
I also collect Cds:
Regular followers of my blog will know I am a huge fan of collecting notebooks! I have written many posts about this past time and was even lucky to feature on a notebook website showcasing my many colourful books!
You can read about my notebook collection here.
I also collect Cds:
Over 300 cds so far and forever growing!
365 Day Photo Challenge - 186 / 365
186 / 365 - This was the cutest thing, Jacob brought home a letter from school that he had written for the Queen! We will be sending it off in the next few days and fingers crossed we get a reply back!
Tuesday, 29 May 2012
31 Day Blog Challenge - Day 17 - Why I Chose My Blog Name
Day 17 - Why I Chose My Blog Name
The Wonders & Scary Thoughts of a Crazy Mummy!
It may be a long name but it definetely sums me and my blog up! When I first started blogging the name came to me straight away and I wanted something that would catch on and represent me.
I am no ordinary mum, crazy being the word I chose because although I wanted to write about being a mum, my hectic lifestyle set me apart from the rest. Trying to balance being a mum, working, and having an amazing social life, some people would say 'it' or 'I' am crazy! But I wanted to show the world that you can have it all if you work hard for it.
I also have never wanted to come across as preaching or lecturing on my blog so wanted to portray that in my title by saying "this is what goes on in my head that I want to share with you!"
The 'scary thoughts' part is to warn people that this is no ordinary blog so approach with caution!
I still think my blog name sums me up a year on so have no intention of changing it as yet!
The Wonders & Scary Thoughts of a Crazy Mummy!
It may be a long name but it definetely sums me and my blog up! When I first started blogging the name came to me straight away and I wanted something that would catch on and represent me.
I am no ordinary mum, crazy being the word I chose because although I wanted to write about being a mum, my hectic lifestyle set me apart from the rest. Trying to balance being a mum, working, and having an amazing social life, some people would say 'it' or 'I' am crazy! But I wanted to show the world that you can have it all if you work hard for it.
I also have never wanted to come across as preaching or lecturing on my blog so wanted to portray that in my title by saying "this is what goes on in my head that I want to share with you!"
The 'scary thoughts' part is to warn people that this is no ordinary blog so approach with caution!
I still think my blog name sums me up a year on so have no intention of changing it as yet!
365 Day Photo Challenge - 185 / 365
185/ 365 - Jacob is proudly displaying his 'Rainbow' badge which he won at school for being sensible, it means he gets a week in the Rainbow room at lunchtimes and having never been chosen for this, its about time he deserved some praise! xxx
365 Day Photo Challenge - 184 / 365
184/ 365 - One of the best days out ever, this is Jacob outside the Harry Potter studios on a very hot day!
Monday, 28 May 2012
31 Day Blog Challenge - Day 16 - My Most Proudest Moment
Day 16 - My Proudest Moment
Of course having my son, Jacob would be my proudest moment but I wanted to pick something that established this even more and it happened recently when my wonderful son grew in confidence and showed me what all the hard work of being a Mum is all about.
Jacob showed an interest in Karate so we decided to take him to an after school club but after three weeks he was still shy and I found I was taking him to something he really did not want to go to.
Then recently, I thought I would try him at a football club, one his friend went to and one that would wean him in so he could build his confidence.
On his very first session I saw a different boy. He seemed very confident with the ball, listened well and scored 4 goals! He earned a medal from the coach and I was a blubbery mess!
It was my proudest moment because not only did Jacob need an all round boost, it made me feel like I had achieved what being a Mum is all about and it just goes to show that perserverance pays off, however hard it may be to get there.
Of course having my son, Jacob would be my proudest moment but I wanted to pick something that established this even more and it happened recently when my wonderful son grew in confidence and showed me what all the hard work of being a Mum is all about.
Jacob showed an interest in Karate so we decided to take him to an after school club but after three weeks he was still shy and I found I was taking him to something he really did not want to go to.
Then recently, I thought I would try him at a football club, one his friend went to and one that would wean him in so he could build his confidence.
On his very first session I saw a different boy. He seemed very confident with the ball, listened well and scored 4 goals! He earned a medal from the coach and I was a blubbery mess!
It was my proudest moment because not only did Jacob need an all round boost, it made me feel like I had achieved what being a Mum is all about and it just goes to show that perserverance pays off, however hard it may be to get there.
Sunday, 27 May 2012
Day Zero Project - Be A Member of the Audience of a TV Show
Thanks to my friend Kyle, and some free tickets from I was able to accomplish another challenge on my Day Zero list.
Having already been part of Big Brothers Big Mouth a couple of years ago, I really got the TV bug and wanted to see how other shows were filmed. I never thought I would be going to a talent show especially the biggest one of them all, the X Factor!
It was a gorgeous, hot morning and as we made our way around the O2, these were the views of London we were lucky to see:
Having already been part of Big Brothers Big Mouth a couple of years ago, I really got the TV bug and wanted to see how other shows were filmed. I never thought I would be going to a talent show especially the biggest one of them all, the X Factor!
It was a gorgeous, hot morning and as we made our way around the O2, these were the views of London we were lucky to see:
Me and Kyle made our way to the queueing system and prepared for a long wait. It turned out we waited longer than expected and in this scorching heat, and lacking in sun cream we were getting a little agitated and I had ran out of water! We met a lovely few people in the queue which passed the time and then we were ready to go into the O2.
The auditionees table
After getting a drink and having our bags checked, we made our way to our seats which were surprisingly good!
Look how close we are to the stage!
After about a 45 minute wait, a warm-up guy entertained us for another 35 minutes as there was a delay and this involved him teasing the audience when they were late sitting down, eating people's food, calling people's mums and getting an audience member to sing on stage!
Then it was time to meet Dermot O Leary!
He was on stage for about 5 minutes and then he introduced the judges which today were Louis Walsh, Tulisa, Leona Lewis and Gary Barlow! They came from the far left so we did not get a chance to see them until they sat down!
Not the best of pictures but may I present the back of each judge on the X Factor! From left to right, Gary Barlow in his gorgeous suit, Leona Lewis who was quiet and scared to say no, Tulisa who wore bright yellow shorts and Louis Walsh who was funnier than usual!
The show started with 10 acts then a break and then another 10 acts. It did not seem many but then each act had a long chat with the judges and performed two songs each so the time moved slowly. Between each act there was about a three minute break where the judges had a chat, and had their make up touched up.
The acts were a fair mix of wedding singers, deluded people and amazing acts and I thouroughly enjoyed watching the process and having a giggle at some of the bad acts.
However, the time did drag and my friend was getting restless so we decided to leave during the break which I was a little gutted about but at the same time, being 25 weeks pregnant did not help me sitting there for three hours so I was a little relieved too.
I had a fun experience and would definetely do it again. The auditioness must have been so nervous performig in front of a massive audience so its really put me off auditioning myself!
31 Day Blog Challenge - Day 15 - Top of My Bucket List
Day 15 - Top of my Bucket List
I am currently doing the Day Zero Project which is similar to a bucket list where I have picked 101 things to do in 1001 days and most of which I would put on my bucket list. They are not in any particular order so here are my top five things I wish to do before I die!
Go to a Madonna concert- Having been a fan of hers since I was born, I had never been fortunate enough to catch her live. Hopefully this is all about to change when I have a ticket for her Hyde Park date this July even being a few months pregnant!

Do a parachute jump - Now I am petrified of attempting to even think about doing this but I know once I get passed the fear, it will be the greatest thing I could do!

Set up my own business - I have many ambitons to work towards and if I had the money, time and motivation I would love to try and own my own bookshop or party planning business!

Visit South America - Mainly because this part of the world fascinates me and Brazil would be a dream come true. I would also love to visit a few rainforests whilst in the area!

Star in a musical! - I cant sing but I can dance so this is a very ambitious in but just for one night I would love to be on a West End stage performing to my favourtie show songs, preferably Cabaret or Chicago!

I am currently doing the Day Zero Project which is similar to a bucket list where I have picked 101 things to do in 1001 days and most of which I would put on my bucket list. They are not in any particular order so here are my top five things I wish to do before I die!
Go to a Madonna concert- Having been a fan of hers since I was born, I had never been fortunate enough to catch her live. Hopefully this is all about to change when I have a ticket for her Hyde Park date this July even being a few months pregnant!
Do a parachute jump - Now I am petrified of attempting to even think about doing this but I know once I get passed the fear, it will be the greatest thing I could do!
Set up my own business - I have many ambitons to work towards and if I had the money, time and motivation I would love to try and own my own bookshop or party planning business!
Visit South America - Mainly because this part of the world fascinates me and Brazil would be a dream come true. I would also love to visit a few rainforests whilst in the area!
Star in a musical! - I cant sing but I can dance so this is a very ambitious in but just for one night I would love to be on a West End stage performing to my favourtie show songs, preferably Cabaret or Chicago!
365 Day Photo Challenge - 183 / 365
183 / 365 - Another glorious day in the sunshine and we headed to the park where Jacob loved to practise his football skills.
365 Day Photo Challenge - 182 / 365
182 / 365 - I went to the X Factor auditions on this beautiful sunny day in London. This is the view of the Docklands from the other side of the Thames. xx
Friday, 25 May 2012
31 Day Blog Challenge - Day 14 - Timeline of my Day
Day 14 - Timeline of my Day
This is based on an average day and how I spend most of the week:
6:45am Alarm goes off
7:30am Drag my moody self out of bed
8:00am Leave the house and drive to work / school
8:30am Drop Dean off at work
8:35am Drop Jacob off at school and myself at work
8:45am - 1pm Working at nursery
1:00pm - Drive home and do household chores
3:15pm - Drive back to school
3:45pm - Pick Jacob up from school
4:00pm - Go to supermarket/ car park to wait an hour for Dean to finish work!
5:00pm - Pick Dean up from work
5:30pm - Get home
6:15pm - Have dinner
7:00pm - Get Jacob ready for bed
7:30pm - Put Jacob to bed
8:00pm - Put feet up and nod off!
10:00pm - Zzzzzzz
This is based on an average day and how I spend most of the week:
6:45am Alarm goes off
7:30am Drag my moody self out of bed
8:00am Leave the house and drive to work / school
8:30am Drop Dean off at work
8:35am Drop Jacob off at school and myself at work
8:45am - 1pm Working at nursery
1:00pm - Drive home and do household chores
3:15pm - Drive back to school
3:45pm - Pick Jacob up from school
4:00pm - Go to supermarket/ car park to wait an hour for Dean to finish work!
5:00pm - Pick Dean up from work
5:30pm - Get home
6:15pm - Have dinner
7:00pm - Get Jacob ready for bed
7:30pm - Put Jacob to bed
8:00pm - Put feet up and nod off!
10:00pm - Zzzzzzz
31 Day Blog Challenge - Day 13 - If I Won The Lottery
Day 13 - If I Won the Lottery
Ah, todays post is a bit of a cheat because I have already written a similar post previously which you can read here.
Not much has changed on the list so no point in me reiterating it here! xxx
Ah, todays post is a bit of a cheat because I have already written a similar post previously which you can read here.
Not much has changed on the list so no point in me reiterating it here! xxx
Thursday, 24 May 2012
365 Day Photo Challenge - 180 / 365
180 / 365 - I have been taking loads of pictures for this project of the view from my bedroom and kitchen and here is another one! Sunset on a hot sunny evening xx
31 Day Blog Challenge - Day 12 - My Earliest Memory
Day 12 - My Earliest Memory
I am happy to say I had a fabulous childhood, looking back at it with fond memories. We lived where there were no roads around so we often played outside amongst the maze of pavments and greeney. My earliest memories consist of riding my yellow bmx, playing 'Knock down Ginger' and having a three storey dolls house where I played with my Barbies!
It was such a simple life back then, being an 80's child, and there was no such thing as games consoles, downloads or facebook!
Christmas' were always fun at home and my parents made sure me and my brothers always got equal amounts of presents. I dont ever remember it snowing on the day though but it was always cosy!
I was a bit of a spoilt girl when I was younger and another of my earliest memories involves my Mum going to discipline me but accidently knocking me into the radiator and cutting my head! I don't know why that memory stands out more for me than most but maybe I was scarred for life!
I am happy to say I had a fabulous childhood, looking back at it with fond memories. We lived where there were no roads around so we often played outside amongst the maze of pavments and greeney. My earliest memories consist of riding my yellow bmx, playing 'Knock down Ginger' and having a three storey dolls house where I played with my Barbies!
It was such a simple life back then, being an 80's child, and there was no such thing as games consoles, downloads or facebook!
Christmas' were always fun at home and my parents made sure me and my brothers always got equal amounts of presents. I dont ever remember it snowing on the day though but it was always cosy!
I was a bit of a spoilt girl when I was younger and another of my earliest memories involves my Mum going to discipline me but accidently knocking me into the radiator and cutting my head! I don't know why that memory stands out more for me than most but maybe I was scarred for life!
Wednesday, 23 May 2012
31 Day Blog Challenge - Day 11 - 15 of my favourite things
Day 11 - 15 of my Favourite Things

- Music - everything from indie, metal, emo, electro, dance and pop!
- Going to gigs - I have been to 60+ gigs and counting!
- Moulin Rouge - The film, the place, the history
- Vintage - furniture, clothes, jewellery
- Notebooks - my collection is full of unique, one of a kind notebooks!
- Scrapbooking - I have hundreds of photos filling up tons of crafty scrapbooks!
- Geeking out - Doctor Who, Sliders, Quantum Leap, and sci fi junk!7
- Books - chick lit, kids novels, fantasy, best sellers and all in paperback!
- Quizzes - mainly music quizzes because I am especially brilliant at them!
- Sunny days - hate the cold, love love love being happy in the sun
- Heat magazine - every tuesday without fail for the last ten years!
- Blogging - when I am in the mood I love updating my blog
- Spending time with family and friends - always make me happy
- Bringing my son up - always a joy and a pleasure
- Dressing up- fancy dress, cocktail dress, anything different to my everyday clothes!
Tuesday, 22 May 2012
Herman the German Friendship Cake
I baked my first ever cake!
This was courtesy of a friend from work who gave me a sample of some mixture as part of a friendship cake. This works similar to chain letters, except with ingredients and not the threat of somthing bad happening to you if you dont fulfill the task!
You can read all about it here.
So armed with my own instructions I began a 10 day ritual of following the rules and started with this mixture -
This was courtesy of a friend from work who gave me a sample of some mixture as part of a friendship cake. This works similar to chain letters, except with ingredients and not the threat of somthing bad happening to you if you dont fulfill the task!
You can read all about it here.
So armed with my own instructions I began a 10 day ritual of following the rules and started with this mixture -
It doesn't look alot but once it is stirred everyday, the mixture rises and bubbles, and then covered with a loose tea towel. By the fourth day, I had to add a cup each of milk, flour and sugar and then carry on stirring everyday until the ninth day where I had to repeat day four. I then had to split the mixture into four so that I could pass it on to three other friends and keep the fourth for myself.
On day ten, it was time to start making the cake! I had to add cooking apples, flour, baking powder, vanilla essence, cooking oil, and sugar to a baking tin. I was also supposed to add raisins, which I chose not to use, and cinnamon, which I could not find in the supermarket! This mixture was stirred and I was a little apprehensive as I was not sure if I was doing it right!
Once in the oven for 45 minutes I could relax because it appeared to be rising and cooking nicely!
The first picture on this post is the finished result and I was very chuffed with myself for completing the challenge successfully! As for the taste of it, it was very sweet, just how I like it. It appeared dry but the apples made it moist but still tempting to add some ice cream!
31 Day Blog Challenge - Day 10 - What is My Best Physical Feature?
Day 10 - My Best Physical Feature
Right now, I am suffering from a miserable cold so I don't feel like I have a best physical feature right now!
But if I was feeling well, I would say my bum! I have, in the past, had many positive comments about it so I am proud of this! I don't think too highly of myself so any compliments I do get, I try to take on board!
Right now, I am suffering from a miserable cold so I don't feel like I have a best physical feature right now!
But if I was feeling well, I would say my bum! I have, in the past, had many positive comments about it so I am proud of this! I don't think too highly of myself so any compliments I do get, I try to take on board!
I hate my legs but others say they look good on the rare occasion that I get them out! I don't think much of my face, hehe! I would say I am average looking and as my mum once said, my personality makes me pretty!! Make of that what you will!
365 Day Photo Challenge - 178 / 365
178 / 365 - In the school playground today we were greeted by this wonderful fire engine which Jacob had the pleasure of sitting in!
Monday, 21 May 2012
31 Day Blog Challenge - Day 9 - My Worst Habits
Day 9 - My Worst Habits
I found this post quite hard to get started, not because I don't have bad habits but because I couldn't directly pick them out! Or maybe I didnt want to!
Bad habit Number 1 - Finger nail biting!
I have been biting my nails ever since I can remember and having tried to stop on numerous occasions and failing, I know this habit will stick with me for life!
Bad habit Number 2 - Being Sarcastic!
I know they say its the lowest form of wit, but its also the best! I use it when ever an opportunity rises in conversation, usually when I feel awkward or as a defense mechanism. Some people don't take to it too kindly, mainly because they do not realise I am not being serious, I just come across really sarcastically!
Bad Habit Number 3 - Going on Facebook!
This has turned into a bad habit but I only usually do it when I am bored and need to occupy myself! I dont update my status as much as I used to, although I know some people will disagree, but its interesting to keep up with everyone! Some people would call this being nosey, I would call it taking an interest!
Those are my 3 worst habits, Im sure I have more so may add to this list as I remember or stumble upon them!
I found this post quite hard to get started, not because I don't have bad habits but because I couldn't directly pick them out! Or maybe I didnt want to!
Bad habit Number 1 - Finger nail biting!
I have been biting my nails ever since I can remember and having tried to stop on numerous occasions and failing, I know this habit will stick with me for life!
Bad habit Number 2 - Being Sarcastic!
I know they say its the lowest form of wit, but its also the best! I use it when ever an opportunity rises in conversation, usually when I feel awkward or as a defense mechanism. Some people don't take to it too kindly, mainly because they do not realise I am not being serious, I just come across really sarcastically!
Bad Habit Number 3 - Going on Facebook!
This has turned into a bad habit but I only usually do it when I am bored and need to occupy myself! I dont update my status as much as I used to, although I know some people will disagree, but its interesting to keep up with everyone! Some people would call this being nosey, I would call it taking an interest!
Those are my 3 worst habits, Im sure I have more so may add to this list as I remember or stumble upon them!
Sunday, 20 May 2012
31 Day Blog Challenge - Day 8 - My Five Senses
Todays blog post challenge is courtesy of a snotty cold and chesty cough! It involves talking about my five senses at this point in time and how I am using them right now:
Eyes - I am looking at my laptop, of course, plus some Tv at the same time!
Ears - I can hear my son playing in his bedroom with his friend, the tv on a wildlife programme, and the clicking of my typing!
Taste - I am not eating at the moment and probably would not be able to taste anything with this rotten cold anyway!
Touch - The keys on my laptop and I am feeling quite warm
Smell - If a cold can smell, then that's what I can smell right now! And maybe my baking cake which is in the oven!
Eyes - I am looking at my laptop, of course, plus some Tv at the same time!
Ears - I can hear my son playing in his bedroom with his friend, the tv on a wildlife programme, and the clicking of my typing!
Taste - I am not eating at the moment and probably would not be able to taste anything with this rotten cold anyway!
Touch - The keys on my laptop and I am feeling quite warm
Smell - If a cold can smell, then that's what I can smell right now! And maybe my baking cake which is in the oven!
365 Day Photo Challenge - 177 / 365
177 / 365 - Today Jacob went ice skating for the first time and with the aid of a 'penguin' he was a little star! He got a bit cocky towards the end, letting go and proceeding to fall over! But he managed to stay up longer than mummy ever would!
Saturday, 19 May 2012
Listography - Top 5 Things I Love About Kids
Oh Listography, how I have missed thee!
KateTakes5 is only doing this feature once a monthn instead of weekly which I am gutted about but I will make the most of the ones I can do!
This months subject is close to my heart, not only because I have children but also because I work in a Nursery so I have 71 children to refer to! I hate other peoples kids, not the ones I know but the ones in the street/ bus/ shopping centre/ supermarket!
I love kids that I know personally and get to spend almost everyday with them!
Here are my top 5 things I love about kids:
1 - The way they make you, as an adult, do stupid things!
For instance, I have pulled many a funny face, told a silly story or made up completely random things just to entertain, losing all self dignity and professionalism! When at home, I have been known to chase my son around a room or wrestle him to the ground just to entertain!
2 - When you get random bouts of affection
I love it when my son tells me he loves me for no reason. Or when a child at work runs up to me and hugs me! I get that warm, fluffy feeling inside!
3 - Teaching them new things and seeing them apply it to life
The best thing about being a mum is teaching your children new things and when my son learns from me I feel an enormous sense of pride and achievement.
4 - When I can talk to kids like an adult!
Dont get me wrong, kids should be kids and act like one. But having a normal conversation with them without talking down to them like a child is so much easier!
5 - The excitement
The joy in kids faces when they explore or do something fun, you cannot beat the look on their faces!
KateTakes5 is only doing this feature once a monthn instead of weekly which I am gutted about but I will make the most of the ones I can do!
This months subject is close to my heart, not only because I have children but also because I work in a Nursery so I have 71 children to refer to! I hate other peoples kids, not the ones I know but the ones in the street/ bus/ shopping centre/ supermarket!
I love kids that I know personally and get to spend almost everyday with them!
Here are my top 5 things I love about kids:
1 - The way they make you, as an adult, do stupid things!
For instance, I have pulled many a funny face, told a silly story or made up completely random things just to entertain, losing all self dignity and professionalism! When at home, I have been known to chase my son around a room or wrestle him to the ground just to entertain!
2 - When you get random bouts of affection
I love it when my son tells me he loves me for no reason. Or when a child at work runs up to me and hugs me! I get that warm, fluffy feeling inside!
3 - Teaching them new things and seeing them apply it to life
The best thing about being a mum is teaching your children new things and when my son learns from me I feel an enormous sense of pride and achievement.
4 - When I can talk to kids like an adult!
Dont get me wrong, kids should be kids and act like one. But having a normal conversation with them without talking down to them like a child is so much easier!
5 - The excitement
The joy in kids faces when they explore or do something fun, you cannot beat the look on their faces!
31 Day Blog Challenge - Day 7 - What's in my Handbag?!
Day 7 - What's In My Handbag?
This is my bag!
And this is whats inside!
I usually carry a vast amount of crap in my bag! And my bags constantly change, I have so many but that's a whole separate post!
Inisde we have:
- One mid year diary containing my scan picture and lots of notes!
- One "Baby On Board" badge in case I have to squeeze onto public transport with my bump!
- A spare phone case
- Lipgloss
- A mini bag containing phone headphones and an emergency phone charger
- Hand sanitiser (an essential!)
- My Alice in Wonderland style purse
- Sunglasses
- My name badge for work
- Keys!
- A pen
365 Day Photo Challenge - 176 / 365
176 / 365 - This morning when I woke up, baby was kicking like mad, Dean normally gets to feel this strange sensation in the evenings but Jacob misses out. So it was great when they could both feel their impending son/brother kicking the crap out of me!
Friday, 18 May 2012
31 Day Blog Challenge - Day 6 - My Pet Hates
Day 6 - My Pet Hates
Oh this post was made for me! I am the worlds moaniest person in terms of pet hates! I have at least three or four new pet hates everyday and it get sworse as I have got older! So this list will be longer than it should be but hopefully a good old rant will be needed to make me feel relaxed after!
Oh this post was made for me! I am the worlds moaniest person in terms of pet hates! I have at least three or four new pet hates everyday and it get sworse as I have got older! So this list will be longer than it should be but hopefully a good old rant will be needed to make me feel relaxed after!
- I hate mornings except for summer days when its easy to wake up and jump out of bed, I hate the mornings when I have work with a rubbish nights sleep topped by it pouring with rain outside and freezing cold!
- Since learning to drive a year ago, it has opened my eyes to a whole new world of ranting and raving! I hate drivers who go below the speed limit by at least 10mph, I hate drivers who have no consideration for others, I hate drivers who pull out when you least expect it and blame you, I hate drivers who tailgate me on a motorway when I am already doing 80mph and continue to flash me to bully me aside, I hate drivers who don't indicate round a roundabout, I hate drivers in general!
- Saturday shoppers is a big pet hate of mine and Dean's despite still going to our local shops every week! We know what to expect yet we still go! Its packed at the weekend yet our moaning consists of hating the following: people who walk in front of us and then suddenly stop with no warning then proceed to 'tut' at us for bashing into them; people who cut you up to go in a completely different direction to the flow of the crowd; people holding up queues for no reason, people standing in a queue when you queue up behind them for ten minutes before they turn around and tell you they are not in the queue; children running riot around a shopping centre and the parents screaming their name across your face to get them to stop!
- There is nothing worse than children not sitting at the table when dining in a restaurant! It is not difficult to keep your child sitting by entertaining them and talking to them rather than letting them run around a restaurant spoiling dining for everyone else. My son has never left the table for anything unless he asks and when I used to work in a restaurant I used to tell parents not to let their kids run around as I was carrying hot food to tables. If you dont want to be disturbed when eating, don't take your children with you!!!
- Bus drivers who make life difficult for others. Before I learnt to drive, I used to get two buses there and back everyday to do the school run so I had every run in you could imagine! Not letting me on the bus with a buggy, not waiting for me to fold the buggy, and most recently not changing a ten pound note for me so I could pay my fare! Not all bus drivers are evil so then its the turn of the passengers to be rude and not give up their seats for the elderly/pregnant, eating smelly food next to me, a hundred school kids getting on the bus when paying passengers get left behind, people sitting on top of you, kids (again) running riot, etc!!!
- Cold callers, and clipboard street sellers which I am sure most people will agree with me on! I tend to walk past the charity sellers in the street however nice they pretend to be. But the phone calls on our home phone drives me barmy. It takes ten minutes for them to answer when I have answered my phone, for them then to ask me how I am before even telling me who they are! They pretend they are not selling me anything but they are just wasting mine and their time. The latest pet hate includes the shop stalls inside shopping centres where they approach you asking if you would like your hair straightened/ eyebrows plucked/ teeth whitened! I believe that if your stall is there then I know you can provide me a service if I need it, someone approaching me asking to try it will only make me turn around and dismiss you!
Thursday, 17 May 2012
31 Day Blog Challenge - Day 5 - Ten Songs I Love Right Now
Day 5 - Ten Songs I Love Right Now
Considering music these days is so awful I have managed to pick ten songs that I love right now! This would have been easier ten years ago but these days I never listen to the charts, I have no idea who is number one at the moment and I can just about pull through this list with my love for indie! So here goes, pulling at strings here....
Considering music these days is so awful I have managed to pick ten songs that I love right now! This would have been easier ten years ago but these days I never listen to the charts, I have no idea who is number one at the moment and I can just about pull through this list with my love for indie! So here goes, pulling at strings here....
- Coldplay - Princess of China Regular readers of my blog will know how much of a Coldplay fan I am but this song is a duet with Rihanna and is suprisingly amazing!
- David Guetta - Titanium He seems to be everywhere on the radio but this is my favourite by him even if he ripped off his own song on Jessie J's latest hit!
- The Maccabees - Feel To Follow My favourite song this year, I cannot get enough of it and the album is just as good!
- Linkin Park - Burn It Down They are back and regular fans will not be disappointed!
- fun. - We Are Youing Loved by my son, this song is so catchy!
- The Wanted - Chasing the Sun I am a secret fan of theirs'! Well, I was!
- M83 - Midnight City Have loved this band for years, its nice to see they have some commercial success.
- Noel Gallagher - Dream On Loving his solo album if not a little overplayed at times
- Foster the People - Pumped Up Kicks A happy jolly summer song!
- Niki and the Dove - Tomorrow
Tuesday, 15 May 2012
31 Day Blog Challenge - Day 4 - What Are You Afraid Of?
Day 4 - What Are You Afraid Of?
My main fears are:

Archways / Tunnels - I am most afraid of big, bricked, arched structures! My big irrational fear which does sometimes prevent me from going to certain places in case I come across one! I cannot explain where this fear originates but I know that when I see or go through one, I hyperventilate, cry, scream and generally freak out! So embarrassing but something I want to ovecome. I am not scared of the arch falling down as I know they are a strong structure, I think it comes down to the more imposing they are, the worse it is, especially when I don't know one is around the corner and they jump out at me!

Spiders - Ugh, even looking at this picture is making me itch and feel sick! I am a huge arachnophobe although I think I am getting better as I get older! I think this fear rubbed of on me from my Mum and even small spiders freak me out!

Kitchen Knives - Another random fear which comes from my fear of horror movies! Just the gore and mess of using knives makes me cringe watching it. Im fine using ordinary knives, its just when there are sharp, bladed knives like these around I feel nervous!

Scream Mask - Then onto the horror movie mask! The Scream films were the first proper horror movies I ever saw and this mask scares the hell out of me! I remember being at a party when this film was on and I was so engrossed in it that I did not notice half the party go to the french windows behind me and scare the hell out of me by banging on them!
Those are my main fears and the things I am most afraid of aside from the obvious things like death and my children being hurt.
Now Im off to look at rainbows, sunshine and chocolate before my nightmares haunt my dreams!
My main fears are:
Archways / Tunnels - I am most afraid of big, bricked, arched structures! My big irrational fear which does sometimes prevent me from going to certain places in case I come across one! I cannot explain where this fear originates but I know that when I see or go through one, I hyperventilate, cry, scream and generally freak out! So embarrassing but something I want to ovecome. I am not scared of the arch falling down as I know they are a strong structure, I think it comes down to the more imposing they are, the worse it is, especially when I don't know one is around the corner and they jump out at me!
Spiders - Ugh, even looking at this picture is making me itch and feel sick! I am a huge arachnophobe although I think I am getting better as I get older! I think this fear rubbed of on me from my Mum and even small spiders freak me out!
Kitchen Knives - Another random fear which comes from my fear of horror movies! Just the gore and mess of using knives makes me cringe watching it. Im fine using ordinary knives, its just when there are sharp, bladed knives like these around I feel nervous!
Scream Mask - Then onto the horror movie mask! The Scream films were the first proper horror movies I ever saw and this mask scares the hell out of me! I remember being at a party when this film was on and I was so engrossed in it that I did not notice half the party go to the french windows behind me and scare the hell out of me by banging on them!
Those are my main fears and the things I am most afraid of aside from the obvious things like death and my children being hurt.
Now Im off to look at rainbows, sunshine and chocolate before my nightmares haunt my dreams!
31 Day Blog Challenge - Day 3 - My Favourite Quote
Day Three - My Favourite Quote
This is a tricky post as I don't really have a favourite quote but one that springs to mind when trying to answer is this:
" The Greatest Thing You'll Ever Learn Is Just To Love, And Be Loved In Return"
This is the tagline from one of my favourite ever movies, Moulin Rouge and I think its mainly for that reason that I love it so much! Plus, I do think it is a beautiful quote and one that most, if not all, of us can relate to, having loved someone or be loved whether it be by family or lovers or friends.
I mainly love song lyrics more than quotes and I can instantly pick a handful:
" You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave" - Hotel California by The Eagles
" Reading novels is banned by the Marquis De Sade...Life is wearing me thin" - Legacy by Mansun
" Trust me, on the sunscreen" - Everybody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen) by Baz Luhrman"
" Inside my heart is aching, my make up may be flaking but my smile still stays on" - The Show Must Go On by Queen
I could have carried on but that would defeat the object of the post!
This is a tricky post as I don't really have a favourite quote but one that springs to mind when trying to answer is this:
" The Greatest Thing You'll Ever Learn Is Just To Love, And Be Loved In Return"
This is the tagline from one of my favourite ever movies, Moulin Rouge and I think its mainly for that reason that I love it so much! Plus, I do think it is a beautiful quote and one that most, if not all, of us can relate to, having loved someone or be loved whether it be by family or lovers or friends.
I mainly love song lyrics more than quotes and I can instantly pick a handful:
" You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave" - Hotel California by The Eagles
" Reading novels is banned by the Marquis De Sade...Life is wearing me thin" - Legacy by Mansun
" Trust me, on the sunscreen" - Everybody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen) by Baz Luhrman"
" Inside my heart is aching, my make up may be flaking but my smile still stays on" - The Show Must Go On by Queen
I could have carried on but that would defeat the object of the post!
365 Day Photo Challenge - 175 / 365
175 / 365 - I took this during the hailstorm I endured during the school run! Although you cannot see the hail stones which were pretty scary driving through, you get a rough idea of the monstrosity that it was from my car window!
365 Day Photo Challenge - 174 / 365
174 / 365 - My lovely son drew this interpretation of his Grandad which we found hilarious because its almost exact!
Monday, 14 May 2012
31 Day Blog Challenge - Day 2 - 20 Facts About Me
Day 2- 20 Facts About Me
- I am a big fat rebel!
- I am a geek and am proud of it!
- I have been to Iceland where I have climbed glaciers, volcanos and earthquake cracks
- I have been dying my hair red since I was 18, way before it became a fashion statement
- I sometimes dress in clashing colours just to get a reaction!
- Although I am proud to be a mum, I hate talking to other Mums about it!
- I hate coconut and onions
- I have over 300 cds, and over 50 notebooks!
- My favourite tv show ever is Doctor Who
- I have two tattoos, only recently done on my right arm
- I have 7 gcses, 2 A Levels and one NVQ Level 2
- I have worked for McDonalds, Claires Accessories and Virgin Megastores before it went into administration!
- I have a fear of spiders and archways/ tunnels/ viaducts!
- I go on Facebook more than I should but only when I have nothing else to do!
- I bite my nails, badly! (Although only on my hands, never ever my toes, ugh!)
- I love cross stitching and doing scrapbooks, I have made 4 scrapbooks and 5 photo albums!
- I hate being cold, I am at my happiest when its warm outside!
- I suffer from S.A.D and hayfever!
- I hate being wrong even if I think I am right and will go out of my way to prove I am right in any situation!
- I love doing quizzes, especially music quizzes as I am pretty good at them!
Sunday, 13 May 2012
31 Day Blog Challenge - Day 1 - Introducing
I have sadly neglected my blog recently due to having no energy to do anything! But I am hoping to rectify this and first task is to complete the 31 Day Blog Challenge so I can cross this off from my list on my Day Zero Project.
I have been looking for a challenge like this which tells my readers more about me rather than just some silly random questions and this exciting challenge was stumbled upon Cupcake Mumma s' blog.
I know I am starting this in the second week of the month but that does not matter, I am ready to blog every day for 31 days on the subjects given to me!
Day One - Introduction and Recent Photo
My name is Jade, 29, living in Essex
I have been looking for a challenge like this which tells my readers more about me rather than just some silly random questions and this exciting challenge was stumbled upon Cupcake Mumma s' blog.
I know I am starting this in the second week of the month but that does not matter, I am ready to blog every day for 31 days on the subjects given to me!
Day One - Introduction and Recent Photo
My name is Jade, 29, living in Essex
Fiance to Dean
Mummy to Jacob
And at the time of writing, 24 weeks pregnant with another little man! I work as a Nursery Assistant but maternity leave will kick in soon so stay at home mum will be my new job role! I started blogging in early 2011 as a way to begin my writing career which has sadly taken a back seat for the moment. Instead, my blog is showcasing my life in photos and challenges and is a fun way for me to escape when I need to!
I have a close knit group of friends who understand me and are very similar to me, a very close family where my parents have been married for 30 years and I have two younger brothers, Scott, 26 and Glenn, 19.
I have been married, divorced, homeless and jobless but I am proud to say I have the life most people in those situations would be envious of and have turned my life completely around. I hope to be married to Dean in 2014 and we are happily settled in our home, enjoying life!
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